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People with disabilities often are at greater risk for complex health problems and therefore require proper care and support from qualified professionals. Usually, the complexity arises from having more than one disability or having a disability in combination with other
Living independently is a dream that’s often put on hold by people with disabilities due to their high care needs and lack of proper disability support. Supported Independent Living (SIL) is one of the many home and living support options
Moving out of the home of their parents and living in a place on their own is often a distant dream for a lot of differently-abled individuals. That’s because the provision of care and support that they need to move
Challenging behaviours or behaviours of concern are often exhibited by people with severe disabilities as a response to their needs not being met or certain environmental factors. Usually, such behaviours negatively impact the lives of differently-abled individuals and their loved
Adolescence is an important phase in our lives where we go through significant changes in terms of physical, cognitive and mental developments. It is a formative period during which an individual needs extra care and support to grow into a
Professional disability support services play a significant role in ensuring that differently-abled individuals stay connected to mainstream society. These support services focus on capacity building and skill development so that people with disabilities could become as independent as possible over
People with psychosocial disabilities often face stigma from society due to the episodic nature of their condition. Moreover, psychosocial disabilities can often be invisible to the eyes leading to the discrimination of persons suffering from it compared to other disability
Disability service providers are an integral part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as they are the conduits through which the participants are accessing the supports and services that they need.
Providing care and support for people with disabilities keeps the carers occupied all the time with numerous responsibilities. Though they are the most compassionate people who readily and happily provide the required support for people with disabilities, long hours of
People with disabilities require support and services to overcome bodily and behavioural challenges. They often struggle with complex and impulsive behaviours including self-harm, withdrawing from others, not cooperating with treatments and various other actions of concern.

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