Moving out of the home of their parents and living in a place on their own is often a distant dream for a lot of differently-abled individuals. That’s because the provision of care and support that they need to move out from the safety and protection provided by their loved ones is often lacking. But the Individualised Living Options (ILOs) funded by the NDIS solve this problem to a great extent. Though the ILO funding does not pay for a house, it will provide funds to design a package of support that lets the NDIS participants to experiment with various living options. Nothing can replace the love and care provided by our families but sometimes moving out is an important milestone in our journey to become independent. NDIS Individualised Living Options allow you to use your funded support to live the way that you want. It lets you choose where and with whom you live and in what way you want to be supported. You have greater choice and control over your living arrangement. After the participants have identified their preferred way of living in the exploration and design stage of ILO, the second stage is to choose the ILO supports. There are primary and supplementary supports that the participant can access with the help of their service providers. There will be continuous monitoring and adjustment in the second stage to ensure that the ILO package is working out for the participants.
Registered service providers like Classy Life can help the participants to prepare ILO service agreements that will swiftly get approved by the NDIS since they will be designed to ensure that all the funded supports included in your plan are reasonable and necessary.
The prospect of living in a different place and pursuing new things in life may look daunting but it is not an impossible feat to achieve.
With the right support and care, you can tread new paths in life. Contact us today and together we can discuss your needs and design an ILO package that best aligns with your NDIS goals.